So you want to start reloading?
April 21, 2021
April 26, 2021

Welcome to the Granite State Shooting reloading blog!
In this blog series we’ll start from the beginning with “why would you want to reload your own ammunition”, and then we’ll cover topics such as:
- Reloading Safety
- Centerfire cartridge components
- Reloading manuals
- Equipment (from the necessities to the niceties)
- Ballistics tables, bullet and powder selection
- The reloading process
- Testing and load refinement
By the time we’re done, we’ll have taken you from “should I reload” to “I’m a reloader!”
So if this interests you, you’ve come to the right place! My hope is this series will intrigue you and help you decide if you’d like to enter this obsession, I mean, hobby. If you do, hopefully it will provide you details to get you started safely.
Stay safe, shoot straight.
Granite State Shooting